Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Prayer Thoughts

The Puritans were an unusual group of men and women. They devoted their whole lives to being pure before God, hence their name. Their devotion was so deep that they left England and migrated to America, all in order to practice Christianity without the sinful regulations defined by the government. The Puritans are our spiritual forefathers in many ways. There is so much we have learned from them, and there is so much more that we can learn from them.
One of their pastors was a man named Thomas Watson. He was not only a devoted pastor, but also an author. One of his works is titled ‘Heaven Taken by Storm’, which explains that Christians are to be violent (i.e. acting with or characterized by rough force; intense in force, effect, etc.) in their pursuit of being more like Jesus Christ. Rev. Watson counsels believers to be violent in their reading of the word, hearing of the word, sanctifying the Lord’s Day, etc. One of his more striking points is when he talks about prayer.
“Jesus Christ went more willingly to the cross than we do to the throne of grace.”
Is this true for you? Be encouraged to think about these words – Rev. Watson wrote this to people who had devoted their lives to being pure before God. As one who has full access to the throne of grace, go to it with all the willingness that God has given you, and enjoy the sweet fellowship of heaven that can only be obtained through prayer.

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